Blackberry and Apple Delight with Cotswold Honey

The hedgerows are loaded down with wild blackberries right now and so are the apple trees. There is no better way to enjoy the Cotswold countryside than picking wild fruit. So pick as many blackberries as you can and if you can scrump some apples the only thing needed then is the Cotswold honey.


My mother used to make this scrumptious recipe (below) all through blackberry season and my brother and I rushed back from school knowing it would be there for us to heartily enjoy, as soon as we got home. So eating this dish for me is like Proust’s Madelaine Cake and I am transported back to my childhood by its sweetly perfumed delicate


Honey is a very important ingredient of this dish. Use organic Acacia if possible. Cotswold Honey is the best choice and Andy Briggs of Fat Cat Antiques Fairs sells local Cotswold organic honey. Here is his link:

Blackberry and Apple Delight with Cotswold Honey 

Serves 4 to 6


2 1lbs Blackberries or more. They cook down quite a bit.
1 8oz jar of Cotswold Honey
8 apples cored and finely sliced- any kind of apple works fine.
¼ cup of water
1 carton ice cream or whipped double cream to taste (optional)


Carefully wash the blackberries making sure no stems or leaves remain
Wash, core and finely slice the apples leaving their skins on.Blackberry and Apples-2

In a large pot cook gently heat the blackberries until they are just soft
Drain off the excess liquid
In a separate saucepan gently cook the apples, after adding the water, until almost soft
Drain off the excess liquid
Combine the apples and blackberries in a large pot
Add the jar of Cotswold honey (or to taste)
Stir in gently
Cook for a few minutes until the apples have absorbed the colour of the blackberries and the honey is well distributed.
Allow to cool
If desired serve with Vanilla Ice cream or whipped double cream

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